Gamers Anonymous also runs a program known as OLG-Anon, which provides support to game addicts, their friends, and their family members. Online Gamers Anonymous 12-Steps Twelve-step programs have long been used as an effective way to provide support group and help on the long and difficult road to recovery, and Online Gamers Anonymous’s. Gamblers Anonymous can be found at. The following is offered: Addiction Treatment - In Sacramento there are 35 other Addiction Treatment. To welcome and give assistance and comfort to those affected by someone else's gambling problem. To communicate Gam-Anon's understanding of compulsive gambling and its impact on our lives. To share our experience, strength, and hope in coping with the gambling problem.

  • Are you concerned about how the gambling of a loved one is affecting your life?
  • Is the gambling of someone dear to you creating anxiety and worry?
  • Are you having financial problems due to the gambling of a loved one or family member?
  • Are you in financial turmoil or emotional distress and not sure why? Could gambling be the reason?
  • Are you worried about the emotional health and/or financial security of a loved one who is gambling?


Gamblers Anonymous Sacramento

Gamblers anonymous sacramento meetings

Gam-Anon is a 12 Step self-help fellowship of men and women who have been affected by the gambling problem of another. We understand as perhaps few can. We are familiar with worry and sleepless nights and promises made only to be broken.

We may have become fearful and uncertain as to how to cope with the deterioration in our lives and our relationships, the financial problems, and the debts caused by the gambling. We know that living with the effects of another's gambling can often be too devastating to bear without help.

With the help of Gam-Anon, we find our way back to a normal way of thinking and living, whether or not our loved ones continue to gamble. We believe that a change in our attitudes is of boundless helps to us as well as to our gamblers.

Gam-Anon is not a religious organization or a counseling agency. It is not a treatment center nor is it allied with any organization offering such services. No dues or fees are required. Membership is voluntary, requiring only that one's own life has been affected by someone else's gambling problem.


1. To welcome and give assistance and comfort to those affected by someone else's gambling problem.


2. To communicate Gam-Anon's understanding of compulsive gambling and its impact on our lives.

3. To share our experience, strength, and hope in coping with the gambling problem.

4. To use the Steps and Tools of the Gam-Anon program which nurture our spiritual and emotional growth and recovery.

Gamblers & Addiction Triggers for Trust & Estate Disputes

  • April 30, 2018 - Estate Litigation,Trust Litigation,

Compulsive gambling is a problem for the gambler and his or her loved ones. Gamblers Anonymous members believe that:

Gamblers anonymous sacramento area

“Compulsive gambling is an illness, progressive in its nature, which can never be cured, but can be arrested…The Gamblers Anonymous concept is that compulsive gamblers are really very sick people who can recover if they follow to the best of their ability a simple program that has proved successful for thousands of other men and women with a gambling or compulsive gambling problem.”

Compulsive gamblers may present a variety of issues in trust & estate litigation. A trustee who is a compulsive gambler may find it hard to satisfy their fiduciary duties. Settlors of trusts might disinherit a child because of their compulsive gambling proclivities. Disinheritance may ignite estate fights. The Gamblers Anonymous website recites some characteristics of a compulsive gambler, among them:

  • Inability and Unwillingness to accept reality;
  • Emotional insecurity;
  • Immaturity;
  • The desire to be a “big shot” and feel all powerful;
  • And sometimes the subconscious desire to punish themselves.

Gamblers Anonymous Sacramento Area

Compulsive gamblers’ denial of reality can produce some very strange results. Ponzi schemes; elder financial abuse; estate thefts; unlawful asset transfers; and disinheritance are some offshoots from compulsive gambling.

Gamblers Anonymous Sacramento Meetings

There are scores of reasons for estate & trust litigation – compulsive gambling is just one of them. If you would like to talk with Hackard Law about your case, call us today at 916-313-3030. We represent clients in significant cases throughout California’s major urban areas, including Sacramento, San Jose, Alameda, Los Angeles and San Diego. The simple truth is that beneficiary rights must be protected – so let’s get to work for a better outcome.