Gambling Idioms

20+ Interesting Money Idioms in English March 5, 2019 Idioms, Expressions No Comments Following is a list of more than 20 interesting money idioms in English you should learn to use in your daily life. Common English Idioms. 24/7: Twenty-four hours a day; seven days a week; all the time; constantly.My little sister irritates me 24/7! A short fuse: A quick temper.Jamie is known for his short fuse; just a few days ago he screamed at his coach for not letting him play. This phrase is best used to describe gamblers and risk-takers with bad luck. A light purse is a heavy curse For those without a lot of money (those in poverty), life is incredibly difficult. Business also involves taking risks with money, and for this reason gambling idioms have become very common in business. They are especially common in the world of investing. If you think about it, betting money on cards is a lot like making a high-risk investment.

Following is a list of more than 20 interesting money idioms in English you should learn to use in your daily life.

Money Idioms List

List of 20+ money idioms in English.

All that glitters is not gold

  • Meaning: This phrase means that appearances can be misleading and that everything that looks priceless doesn’t have to be.
  • Example: I bought the expensive looking watch but it stopped working after a week. I realized that all that glitters is not gold.

Blank cheque

  • Meaning: To leave a cheque blank is to allocate unlimited funds to a project or a person.
  • Example: I was told that the project had to be successful and I would be given a blank cheque for the same.

Dime a dozen

  • Meaning: This phrase is used to refer to something that is very easy to procure and thus is of little value.
  • Example: Don’t bother with these, they’re available dime a dozen.

Easy money

  • Meaning: The phrase is used to refer to money that can be earned without much effort.
  • Example: The task was simple and got him easy money.

Feel like a million bucks

  • Meaning: The phrase is used to refer to a feeling of immense happiness.
  • Example: Now that I’m married, I feel like a million bucks.

Give somebody a run for their money

  • Meaning: This phrase is used for someone who is better than a professional in a particular sphere.
  • Example: Rajesh may not be well known but he can give most professional singers a run for their money.

Go broke

Gambling Idioms
  • Meaning: This phrase is used to refer to a condition where someone loses all their money.
  • Example: Ravi spent all the money last night and now he’s broke.

Make ends meet

  • Meaning: This phrase is used to refer to a situation where there is not enough or just enough money for daily expenses and needs.
  • Example: I was unable to make ends meet with my meager income.

Not worth a cent

  • Meaning: This phrase is used to refer to an object that is worth nothing, not even a cent which is an exceedingly small amount of money.
  • Example: Don’t buy this house, it isn’t worth a cent.

Worth your salt

  • Meaning: this phrase is used when something is worth the amount it costs.
  • Example: Buy this car; it’s worth your salt.


  • To pay for something

Sports Gambling Idioms

Money talks

  • Rich people can get what they want
Gambling idioms

Be made of money

  • If you are made of money, you are rich man

Banner Year

  • A year marked by strong successes

Money toburn

  • Extra money to spend however one likes


  • To stop doing something for avoiding losing money

Tomake a killing

  • To earn a lot of money

As sound as a dollar

  • Very secure and dependable

Casino Idioms


Gambling Idioms

  • Selling something for cash only and with no delivery

Get a run for one’s money

  • To receive a challenge, to receive what one deserves

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