
The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SaGS): A New Instrument for the Identification of Pathological Gamblers Henry R. Lesieur, Ph.D., and Sheila B. The South Oaks Gambling Screen is a 20-item qu estionnaire based on DSM-Ill criteria for path ological gambling. The SOGS (South Oaks Gambling Screen) (Lesieur and Blume 1987) and its relation to grades in school. A univariate ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) on SOGS scores and grade level showed a statistically significant main effect (F = 7.73, p.001). Furthermore, a Sheffe´ test showed higher SOGS scores for younger students (8 grade compared to 10–11th.


Scores on the SOGS are determined by scoring one point for each question that shows the 'at risk' response indicated and adding the total points.

Question 1 Not counted

Question 2 Not counted

Sogs Gambling Test 2020

Question 3 Not counted

Question 4 ________ Most of the time I lose, or Yes, every time I lose

Question 5 ________ Yes, less than half the time I lose or Yes, most of the time

Question 6 ________ Yes, in the past but not now or Yes

Sogs Gambling Testimony

Question 7 ________ Yes

Question 8 ________ Yes

Question 9 ________ Yes

Question 10________ Yes

Question 11________ Yes

Question 12 Not counted

Question 13________ Yes

Question 14________ Yes

Question 15________ Yes

Question 16a________Yes

Sogs gambling test results

Question 16b________Yes

Sogs Gambling Test Strips

Question 16c________Yes

Question 16d________Yes

Question 16e________Yes

Sogs Gambling Tests

Question 16f________Yes

Question 16g________Yes

Question 16h________Yes

Question 16i________ Yes

Sogs Gambling Test Scoring

Question 16j Not counted

Question 16k Not counted

TOTAL: ___________

(maximum score = 20)

Interpreting the score:

0 No problem with gambling

1-4 Some problems with gambling

5 or more Probable Pathological Gambler